April 2023

Kuda Lumping as an Inspiration of Batik Motifs in Women's Casual Fashion
1Aan Sudarwanto,2Evi Dwi Febriyanti
1,2Fakultas Seni Rupa Desain, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta & Jl Ring Road KM 6 Surakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i4-26

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Kuda lumping is one of the traditional dances originated from East Java. A traditional artshow which uses magical powers and the main equipment are horse props made of buffalo leather or dried (tanned) cowhide; or made of woven bamboo which decorated and designed resembling a horse. Kuda Lumping are commonly called Jaran kepang, Jaranan, or Jathilan. The foundation of this creation process uses 3 stages of cration methods, which arethe exploration stage, the design stage, and the embodiment stage. The selected motif designsourced from the idea of a kuda lumping was created into a batik motif on women's casualclothing by applying a batik tulistechnique that usesremasol dyes. Batik tulisis batik madeusing the main tool of canting as a tool for attaching the malam into the clothing materials. Batik is used as a clothing motif, one of which is casual clothes. Casual clothing could be worn daily in a relaxed or informal atmosphere. It can also be adapted to the activitiesthat are being carried on, forexample any type of activities at home, college, shopping, even traveling. Batik with kuda lumping motif is then made into casual clothing by using remasol coloring which isred and green as the main colors. In thi creation process, produced casual fashion works based on batik kuda lumping motifs entitled Farious, Scism, Brave, and Smoulder.


Batik Tulis, Casual Fashion, Kuda Lumping, clothing motif


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